Shalom Shaarei Kodesh,
As we are about to enter into the festive holiday of Purim, I wanted to fill you all in early results from our future space survey. Not only were the answers surprising, but the comments were extraordinary!
When asked "Do you think that our location limits us?" the
overwhelming majority said it did, but 30% of those respondents said the issue is specifically with the gas station. However, those same respondents claimed that, if it the gas station was moved and a Starbucks was added, our current location would be fine.
Of the respondents who said they liked the location, they mentioned that they loved that we have a gas station strategically located just steps away from our entrance. Interestingly enough, 98% respondents have asked that the gas station give our congregants a discount on gas. 2% of our congregants have electric cars and therefore do not need a discount on gas, however, they have asked that the same discount apply to the candy, chips and beverages. We are beginning negotiations with the gas station and we will inform our community once we secure the CSK discount.
There was a small percentage of people who were unhappy with our current space for another reason: they claim it is too nice. These respondents have requested that we set up tents in the outside parking lot for services.
When asked: "Would you continue to be a member if CSK moved to a location outside of West Boca Raton? For example, West Delray Beach." 40% of respondents claimed they were interested in the the West Delray, however, they asked if we could share the space with the Mexican restaurant. If the merger with the Mexican restaurant is successful, not only will we have the first Kosher Mexican restaurant in South Florida, but tequila will replace on scotch during our Shabbat morning kiddish.
Unrelated to a building, some congregants have asked that our siddurim be replaced by special Hebrew Mah Jong tiles just released by the Rabbinical Assembly (if you would like to sponsor these new cards in honor or memory of the loved one, please click here). Unfortunately, it means there will be a lot more noise during services, but they claim services will be more participatory.
Others had comments about our high holiday location. Due to
overwhelming feedback, we have decided the following: Instead of holding our services at the Countess De Hoernle Theater, we will be moving our high holiday services to the Shadowood Movie Theater which has just installed new reclining lounge seats. This way, congregants can be more comfortable as they fall asleep during minute 35 of my high holiday sermon.
We are still looking for more respondents so please make sure to fill out our survey. To take the survey, please open one of the 500 emails you received from us this week.
From our family to yours, we wish you a Chag Purim Sameach/A Happy and Festive Purim!
Rabbi David Baum